Thursday, March 24, 2011

A few more words and wishes....

Desire for growth and fear of change                                                                      
Battle like marvelous machines.                          
The future keeps repeating itself
Cycles of revolution reject the inferior,
Humanity slows the process.
If the desire still exists, the cycle is not complete.
The genesis of communication arose from
The basest form of necessity.        
Language is the root of belief
Belief is the root of conflict
Conflict is the nature of Man.
And because we cannot defend our Brothers and Sisters
We would erase them
Or sacrifice ourselves.


Imagine the beginning of time,
A void births the Universe –
         Creates Life and Light.
It opens like a flower with no definite edge or center.

Imagine the edge of time,
From existence to nothing.
The expansion of the Universe
Matter becomes absence of matter
And there are no more Tomorrows.
Language is corrupt.
Wisdom distorts perception
To maneuver us to fertile pastures.
To push us to the edge
To make room for more grazers,
To seed more pastures,
To feed
To produce
To die.
I’m hungry.


Untitled *****
Sipping through the same internal straw
         Energy passes from body to body
         In heavy, viscous fluid.
Tongues licking the back of tongues
At the base of your spine.
Wings, free against a red sky,
Glowing like the end of the world.
I wish we could lose our bodies
In a magnetic stream.
Existing as harmonizing arms
of pure light.
A radiant ocean of unapologetic desire.
A thousand voices, sharing prayers
in the desert at the bottom of my spiritual warehouse.
It feels like no more problems ahead.
No more disasters
No more disappearances
No more holes.
This sacred scrap is all that’s left of me.


******(here I am)
A constant flow
A constant flow

There will be no tomorrow

There is a film
And dust.
And the blood from my eyes
As I stare at the Sun
And remember
And Nothing.

Words in the air
Turn to god in the heart
Of the fool.

A long time has passed
Since you were forgotten,
Since you were young and free
Since you had the ability to be.
Before you realized that what you missed
Was not really anything worth seeing
Or doing
Or feeling.
Without feeling anything more than cheated
Even when you felt connected to something
that was bigger than you
and bigger than anything you ever knew
you knew.
Then it begins again
And something happens
But it’s not like regret,
So it’s not familiar.
But it’s not intimidating,
Like god.
And it radiates light
But not heat.
And when you look up
And rub your eyes
And see that the sun is still there.



If hostility is an art
Art should never be a career.
This pathetic emotion,
Provocative indoctrination into the
Academy  of Lust for Death.
This is not what I had in mind
When time was more abstract.
Is it worse to think of time as flat,
As something linear?
Or to think in many planes?
When the world can not be black or white
How do we lower our standards?
Being Human is a good start.
Like a candle in a whores cunt
Illuminating the path to a destruction of innocence.
Immaculately inconsequential,
My children smell you.
They smell your presence in the distance.
I feel like I’m on a mission from god,
Only god is this jackass dispatcher in a cage.
His name is Louie.
But don’t stop wasting time on anyone’s behalf.

And this is a pretty new one! And also the lyrics to a new song by,
Poison Kills the Princess
What to be Proud to be
My words are meaningless
My words are everything
So are yours
Our words are our voice
A song is a lie
Is a truth
Is always just itself.

There is construct
Conjecture and opinion
And we call it
The devil
And god.
The negation of self
Is all that it can be
And I’ve lost the current.
And the light was a string.
This thing and thought and nothing but now
Is now what it was
And never will be.

Turn off the sun
Turn up the static
Fine tune your breath with a familiar tune.
Long to remember and less to forget
And never before
Before the left behind,
The forgotten,
The deceived and the broken.

I’m humming
I’m buzzing
I’m waiting
For nothing
To come over me.

Like what you read? Check it out NOW on soundcloud!

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